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SRWare Iron: Alternative to Google Chrome

Posted by Vishnuprasad R (Elf) On 12:37
Which is the fastest web browse?
Well , it had been a question since the invention of world wide web.But now the question is answered when search engine giant Google introduced their open source browser 'Google Chrome. It has a nice interface providing a lot of room for the actual web content rather than those crappy toolbars and all; It got the world's fastest browser engine , Webkit, the one used by Apple's Safari.Chrome is in its version 2.0 now. So I don't think I need to explain about it more. If you haven't experimented it yet, get it here.I am pretty sure that you will forget those IE and Firefox once you have a glance at Chrome.

But does it lack something? I feel so. I travel a lot and sometimes need to go to areas where my laptop's internet connection doesn't work.So i have to go to some internet cafe. Or I may need to have a little googling when i am at client's site.But don't want to leave any browsing history or login information at someone's computer.So i always wish to have a portable browser.Yes, Iron is Portable! (Chrome not). You can have world's fastest browser with all your bookmarks on your USB stick.Doesn't it sound cool ?

Agreed. You are not a business man or tech guy and don't want to browse while you are out. But next comes the real point. How many of you are aware of it? Chrome doen't respect your privacy at all ,neither do Google.

Now it is about 2:00 AM and i think i should take a sleep.Let me leave this post incomplete till tomorrow. I am publishing this post as i know nobody is going to read it right now. This blog is not indexed by Google yet.

Five Reasons To Recommend Iron:
1.Fast and Portable
2.No privacy issues.

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